I must admit, originally, the farthest thing from my mind was writing a book. It all started out with me compiling personal notes of pertinent information. It's when I organized my notes that I realized that a lot of people may not know some of this information and might find it useful knowledge. That's when my notes turned into a book. What I learned was that many things that major monotheist religions teach is true in nature. However, I also learned that there are many things taught that is not true.
I believe in the existence of God because I am convinced that what we call nature does not have a conscience. I am convinced that life and our universe is too complex for a conscientiousness not to be involved. If nature does have a conscience then that would be what we call God. In addition to that, I have witnessed irrefutable evidence that prove God is indeed real and not just a hopeful desire or need. I have gone from believing (having faith) that God is real to knowing (seeing real evidence) that God is real. What evidence, you say? A bonafide scientifically unexplainable event, of course! Yep, they still do happen. Most of them are the quiet type, having only one or a few witnesses.
I decided to publish this book because now I know that salvation is real and not wishful thinking. I learned that it is a lot simpler to obtain than what is presented to the masses. Obtaining salvation is
not burdensome. Salvation is a simple and straightforward process.
It’s relatively easy once you know what is expected of you. Religious authorities
have made it more complicated than it needs to be. If you believe in God and the promise of eternal life then this book is a no nonsense, straight to the point look at why you and I are here and what is expected of us.
I, also, took the opportunity to debunk what I think are misleading religious teachings and doctrines. The problem is how scriptures are interpreted. Sometimes, I can read a passage from the scriptures and get an entirely different meaning than another person who reads the same passage. Who is to say which one of us interrupted the scriptures correctly? This is when you should, as the saying goes, "let go and let God." Sometimes, for a proper interpretation, you have to let God through the Holy Spirit inform you what the true meaning is.
In order to navigate through your religious beliefs correctly, you have to know the rules and which rule supersedes which. I have a few rules I live by when worshiping and praising God that I will share with you.
Rule # 1:
There is only one God. There is no one where God is, except God. This rule supersedes all other rules. Any religion that teaches there is only one God and one day all will see this God belong to God.
Rule # 2:
No religion has a monopoly on God.
Rule # 3:
The Most High does not hate any person, mortal or immortal. God hates deeds, not persons.
Rule # 4:
The most important thing to the Most High is truth.
Rule # 5:
The most important thing to the son of man is love of the Father.
This is not necessarily a rule but something to keep in mind. Normally, we underestimate God because we constantly try to define God in human terms. God is beyond what our imaginations can carry us. We also underestimate the Redeemer whom God has sent. We constantly rely on him being a deity and overlook the humanity in Him. The humanity in Him will be the source of His judgment on us.